Some of you should read this!
My story :)
-Met two missionaries from a church a year ago.
-Only talked to one of them but was somehow attracted to another one because of his good looks.
-I thought they were exchanged students at first but I was wrong.
-Decided to meet them after a week or so. 2 reasons, know more about Christianity and was hoping to see that missionary that I was attracted to again and planned not to meet them anymore after sometime.
-But lessons with them was great. Received testimonies that we do have a living God and a saviour Jesus Christ. They managed to convert me.
-I'm gay and I do know that homosexuality is not accepted in Christianity.
-But life was so blessed after receiving the gospel and attending church. Was surrounded by nice people. I thought I would be happy.
-I thought I won't be lonely anymore because of the gospel.
-I even thought of trying/doing something against my nature which is to have a relationship with a girl and have a family in the future. I thought I might be able to change myself for the better with guidance from God and Jesus Christ. I thought having a family would be wonderful as I would not want to be left alone at my old age.
-But the fact is that this is not quite possible.
-I got along really well with alot of the missionaries in the church as they are nice young boys who loves everyone.
-I can't stop myself from having crushes with some of them as they are freaking hot.
-Not just the one I have mentioned about earlier but also some other ones.
-Missionaries are not local. They come from other places around the world.
-I love guys that are friendly and cute. Majority of them met my expectations.
-They will only be here for a period of time.
-Although some of them have already went home, I still keep close contact with them through facebook.
-My relationship with one of the missionary actually improved quite alot when he went home after serving his mission. Let's call him H. We remain close through facebook even till now.
-Here comes the main character of my story. Haha.. H!!
-An interesting incident actually happened on the last few days of his mission. He was at another country but will be back to mine during the last few days of his mission.
-My friends and I tried to call him but was told that he was not back yet. I have no choice other than heading home from school first.
I was on the phone with one of my friend, grumbling about not being able to contact him.
-We ended the conversation after a while. But my friend called back after awhile, around 3 minutes. And you guess what happened? My friend saw him. She met him at the train station she was at and she passed him the phone to talk to me.
-I was so surprised and I asked him where were they. And he told me where they were. The crazy thing is, I'm actually also at that train station at that moment too, in the train.
-I alighted quickly. I saw him coming towards me and we hugged each other happily. Nice right! haha.
-We hanged out for the next day and he left and went home after that.
-We chatted alot through facebook after he went home and I decided to visit him during my school holidays. TO BE CONTINUED...........
Image taken from - http://filmotecagpuc.files.wordpress.com/2007/03/latter-days2.jpg...
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