Very good looks + Very good voice.
***Majority of the things I wrote here are just my imaginations.***
Shayne Ward is a gay guy who simply loves to sing. And so without much consideration, he took part in the x factor singing competition thinking that he might be able to bring happiness to everyone through his singing and that's his dream since childhood. He didn't know that he would become so famous. The reason for him becoming so famous is that to alot of people, he's really perfect. He have good looks and a good voice.(Usually guys that are so perfect are gays.)***Majority of the things I wrote here are just my imaginations.***
He was also surprised that so many girls love him now. Producers told him to choose songs that could relate more to the female audience. It's really hard for him because he never had a relationship with a girl before but he still did well in the end relating to the female audiences because he actually tried to recall some horrible break ups with his ex-boyfriends which makes his singing more emotional and touching. During the final round of the singing competition, he felt that he should just be himself for once and so he chose the song "Over the Rainbow". In this case, lots of rainbows can then be projected on screens and on the ground. He love colours and rainbows (just like every other gay guys). Another reason is that he really wanted to show his inner gayness in an indirect way to the public.
However, He still have to keep his sexual orientation a secret because of his image portray on screens and his target audiences. He was required to dance for one of his music videos and he really had a hard time trying to make his moves less gay.
Poor Shayne, hopefully he can come out to the public as soon as possible just like this guy in westlife, Mark Feehily.
He's openly gay now.
Rainbows projected on screens and floor.
Tried very hard to look straight when he dance.

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